This song has many meanings to me both in terms of interpretation and times in my life. I first heard it in my early 20's when I was at the beginning of some deep healing and significant self transformation; it felt like the song was calling me forward to be a stronger and more fulfilled person. It spoke to something within me and woke it up. The song then has associations with events that happened going forward, in various times and places. It also seems psychedelic to me; the visuals I can imagine while listening to it are always interesting. It is one of a number of songs I have meditated to on occasion. The songs name refers to Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin A. Abbott, which Carl Sagan refers to in Cosmos in order to explore the idea of a higher dimension. The song, for me, artistically suggests a higher dimension somehow, almost like a shaman's icaro. Of course, that is all my personal take. Enjoy.
This blog of yours is really great and unique! I have read a bunch of blogs before, however, a 30-day song challenge is entirely new to me. You have listed a lot of interesting songs, even your explanation for them is really good as well. I, personally, love Panic! At the Disco's This is Gospel. I totally love that band, much more that song. To me, it is a really powerful song for everyone who understands the song very well.
30 Day Song Challenge, Day 20: A song that has many meanings to you
Day 26: a song that your 10th grade spring break crush played while feeling you up on the beach in Panama City that you later downloaded as your flip phone ringtone, to remember him by
Day 30: whatever song you most wish you could see live right now but know you would spend the whole time debating whether or not it would be worth it to record a video or try to just live in the moment and so you end up being able to successfully do neither
Post Malone and his socially distanced backing band (featuring Blink-182 drummer Travis Barker, guitarist Nick Mack, and bassist Brian Lee) performed an 80-minute, 15-song tribute to Nirvana and it rules. PLUS it continues to raise millions of dollars for covid-19 relief efforts.
30 Day Challenges are lists on blogs and social networking sites that users follow for 30 days, and dictate what they will post, usually following a theme. Each day of the challenge is a different criteria for what they will post, like their favorite song or a photo of them. Many of these challenges require users to post facts or information about themselves that will allow their friends and other users to get to know them better.
I, too, thought I would lose more weight during my challenge, but I soon came to realize that my weight had simply been redistributed. Fat had burned away and turned to muscle and my legs were bigger and more sturdy.
Music has been a source of entertainment, motivation, and mood buster since historical times. Over the years, artists have written songs about life, experiences, love, pain, etc. Depending on the phase of your life, you might have a special inclination towards a specific melody, such as motivational music, romantic lyrics, or inspirational songs.
You would be amazed at the power of inspirational music as sometimes they prove to be miraculously boosting to a tired soul. Not only do these songs help you feel motivated but also help you become a better individual. Some seek motivational advice, while others simply get inspired through music.
If you found yourself in a situation when things did not go as planned, and you feel down and lonely, then listen to this wonderful composition by Kelly Clarkson. It is one of the most upbeat songs about life. And who knows? You might yourself come back fighting after listening to this one.
This one is a gem of a melody that reminds you why you started your journey in the first place. Sometimes people tend to lose focus halfway down on account of minor setbacks. Let this song remind your purpose and bring back the same amount of motivation. Whether it is love or life, this song proves to be relevant to anything and everything dear to you.
Not everything in life is in our control. We can only have an impact on things that are in our control. This beautiful song has a deeper meaning that explains that the only thing that matters is focusing and directing your energies to things you can control.
If nothing motivates you or you feel that your life has disappointed you with so many troubles, listen to this song. It is one of the evergreen and soul uplifting songs that are guaranteed to bring a smile to the faces of tired souls.
The world has been blessed with the songs of countless artists whose melodies are meant to bring back your enthusiasm and courage. We are humans and undeniably likely to make mistakes, fail, or get demotivated. In times like these, one needs the power of positivity.
Day 2: This one was really hard to choose. There are so many good ones but in the end it came down to Born This Way. For one, I love Lady Gaga and this is one of my fave songs by her and its so inspiring and uplifting. Two, they did an amazing cover and I loved the dance. I can really relate to this song and thats why I picked it.
Day 4: For me, Season 1 was the worst season for me so to say just 1 song was next to impossible. This isnt even the worst song. But I couldnt just say the last 12 episodes of Season 1 now could I? I just ended up picking a song from a different season. I picked this because I didnt really like the vocals. Lauren isnt a bad character, but Im glad she didnt sing much in her time being on the show.
Day 5: I love this episode with a freakin passion. I have since I first saw it. I dont know if it was because of the Klaine scene or the original songs. There is not one song that I dont like. Even all the storylines were great. No episode has been able to beat this one.
Day 8: I love her voice in this song. She did a really good job. My iPod is fairly new with over 600 songs so this only has 27 plays at the moment. Don't Stop Me Now sung by Blaine is a close 2nd with 22 plays.
Day 9: Not a big fan of this episode. The story line was dumb and the songs were awful. The mash-up especially. Im not going to go too in-depth of why I dont like it. No offence to anybody who liked this episode. This is just my stupid opinion.
Day 10: This song was AMAZING!! The vocals were great and it had a wonderful meaning. My choice with this category was between this song and Fly/I Believe I Can Fly. Never thought Quinn and Rachel would sound this good together.
Day 11: As I said before, Im not a big fan of season 1. I think it was the worst of all the seasons. This episode however is an exception. It was hilarious and the songs were great. I couldnt stop laughing.
Day 12: I could easily just say I mostly relate to Kurt for obvious reasons. Im not going to do that though. I chose San because Im quick to call somebody out on their BS. While that may be the case, I have some insecurities. Just like Santana I wasnt comfortable with my sexuality. (Im Bi by the way) I got used to it over time. There are so many other reasons but those were just the basics.
Day 22: This one wasnt as hard to pick like Season 2 was. It was either this or Big Brother. I love both but I love TPPP way more. The songs were amazing. Every single one of them. You can probably guess which one was my favorite. I liked that Blaine transferred schools. The food fight was funny because what person (other than Rachel) just stands there and gets food thrown at them. All together a very funny episode just like Glee should be.
Day 23: This was a no brainer. No tribute episode could even come close. Surprisingly I liked the fact that the writers changed things up and based the storyline on the songs. I liked that Klaine had drama just like a normal couple would. Based on the picture, again, you can probably guess which song was my favorite. Writing this makes me miss Joe. HE ACTUALLY HAD A STORYLINE!!! Awesome episode.
Day 25: I love how in this song, almost everyone gets a line no matter how small it is. My fave part of this performance was the LGBT group in the middle which is why I picked that picture. Rachel sounded amazing. The dancing wasnt sloppy like it sometimes is. No other group number came close to being as good as this one. (Other than Born This Way)
Music has many benefits for your daily life as a business owner. You might use it to focus on your work of the day, get through chores or help you relax after handling the stresses of running a business. The power of a good song can push you to get going and give you the chance to refresh.
These inspiring songs are favorites of successful business owners, CEOs and other entrepreneurial-minded executives. These tracks are great for increasing your motivation, productivity or resilience. Keep reading for the full recommendations and music videos.
Compared with the average worker, entrepreneurs often face more obstacles and must dedicate more resources, energy and effort to their jobs. With many odds against them, anything that can help entrepreneurs stay focused, motivated and resilient may give them a much-needed boost. Listening to music while completing business processes can foster efficiency, lower stress and allow you to focus on the project at hand. You can even use sound to drive sales.
We asked entrepreneurs to share the songs that inspire them the most. The responses cover nearly every genre, including rock, rap, country and classical. Keep reading to find out how the songs affect these businesspeople and to watch the music videos. You may want to play them at your next company meeting!
As these entrepreneurs have demonstrated, music is a powerful source of inspiration. Listening to a motivational song could give you the energy to power through the day, change your mindset or help you concentrate on the task at hand.
With studies also suggesting that the right tunes may boost productivity, efficiency and creativity, you may want to consider the role of music at your company. Your business has a lot to gain from some time spent with a killer song and a good pair of headphones, or a great sound system for all to enjoy the music. 2ff7e9595c