There was a reorganization and election of new officers in 1929. [The Richmond Ham, which quotes the following article in its issue of November, 1979, page 1, saying it appeared in the Richmond News Leader in 1929. It goes on to say the 50th anniversary since 1929 was celebrated with a banquet on Friday, November 9, 1979, at Emmanuel Episcopal Church.]
SCM - 6th Anniversary Day 3.rar
Last week was Guile 2.0's third anniversary. Guile 2 was a major milestone for Guile and so, like in previousyears, we organized a birthday potluck---a hack fest where Guilers brought their freshly cooked dishes.
February the 16th marked the second anniversary of Guile 2.0. Guile 2 was a major upgrade to Guile's performance and expressiveness as a language, and has become a pleasant foundation for its users. 2ff7e9595c